Friday, 20 September 2013

Dawes @ Broadcast, Glasgow 2 September 2013

There were a good number of folk, whose early flush of youth wasn't this century, in the bar upstairs before the gig and looking at them it was clear that many hadn't been out to see a band in quite some time! This is the appeal of Dawes. The tickets advised that the show would start at 20:00 and by 20:45 there was still no action and a few of the 'irregulars' were getting a bit concerned. Ah, the joys of live entertainment!

However, the 'doors' did eventually open and we were allowed down to the basement were we thought that we were going to expire in the crush and heat. Then at about 21:00 Marcus Foster came on stage to get things off to a sweaty start. 

Marcus played solo electrified acoustic guitar for most of his set, switching to electric guitar for a couple of his songs towards the end. His sound was akin to a pumped up Billy Bragg and, in parts, Tom Waits and his guitar playing was the kind where the notes in the the solos had space to stand out, if you know what I mean! His singing was earnest and powerful and I really enjoyed his set so I checked out his album Nameless Path (he performs with a band on it) from which many of the songs came and was further impressed. I should mention the fact that the small venue was packed and with the temperature ever-rising Marcus was clearly suffering (the sweat was running out of him!). However, he stoically played on and for that I congratulate him!

Check out Marcus here.....

So next up and somewhat later than expected, but none-the-less welcome for that, Dawes came on stage at about 22:00 to a rapturous welcome. The packed crowd was well warmed up, both by Marcus and by the room temperature. I reckon it was the hottest gig I have attended! The band kicked off with Side One, Track Two the funky, groovin' From a Window Seat the first single from the current album Stories Don't End and built it from there. 

Tay Strathairn

The band hail from L. A. and consists of (from left to right!) Tay Strathairn on keyboards / Taylor Goldsmith on lead guitar and vocals / Griffen Goldsmith on drums / Wylie Gelber on bass. Having just seen them on the Woods Stage at the End of the Road Festival I knew that we were in for a treat. However, 'up close and personal' in a small venue the lads seemed more relaxed and the music flowed magnificently from them. We were treated to songs from each of the three albums to date and Taylor's guitar work was spot on. I particularly enjoyed the solos on Fire Away, From The Right Angle and A Little Bit Of Everything.

Meanwhile Tay played some great laid backed piano and organ and used two padlocks to magnificent effect on several numbers. He placed them on certain keys so that they played a continuous note whilst he laid down the rest of the keyboards. His introduction to, and playing on, A Little Bit Of Everything was just superb! 

Griffen Goldsmith

Griffen was steady and pulsating on drums and played some fine rim shots! His facial expressions were a joy to behold as he really expresses himself and was clearly enjoying the gig. Oh, and his singing and harmonies were terrific. 

Taylor Goldsmith

The folk-rock music that the band play has at times been described as a kind of Laurel Canyon sound and has its roots in several bands including Neil Young and his former musical pals Crosby, Stills & Nash. This is especially evident in their harmonies, listen to Love Is All I Am from their début album North Hills (wonderful keyboards on the album version by former band member Alex Casnoff incidentally) to see what I mean. 

Wylie Gelber

In addition, I particularly like the way Taylor uses his guitar as an extra 'voice' on many of the songs. It adds significantly to the emotion of much of the band's work and the last songs on the first two albums bear testament to this fact. The stand out song on the new album for me is Someone Will and on the night Wylie played some real bouncy, pumping bass rhythms whilst Taylor picked out some fine solos, a joy to hear live. 

The band write some fine lyrics too. The afore mentioned Someone Will, A Little Bit Of Everything and Time Spent In LA are all worth a listen and the latter song opens with:

"These days my friends don't seem to know me
without my suitcase in my hand
and when I'm standing still I seem to disappear"

Also, the great song From The Right Angle starts off with:

"You found me on the other side of a loser's wining streak"!

Tay & Taylor

At one point Taylor commented that his lyrics were all based in truth but, and I think that I heard him correctly, that he had little experience of the words to the song Bear Witness. All I can say is, as someone who has had experiences like these, he has nailed the sentiment wonderfully. Also, his guitar solo on this song was sublimely subtle and poignant. 

As I mentioned before, the venue was a small, low ceilinged basement below a pub and on the night it was a sell out which made it extremely hot. By half way through the set the band members were onto their second set of towels and the audience were shedding loads of perspiration too! It was only later that I realised that my camera lens was coated in condensation which effected many of my photos on the night, But hay, we had a fantastic night and the band were on top form, I guess it helps when they have such great songs to perform!

We had a wonderful night and I think that the band enjoyed it too. I went home happy as I had heard my three favourite songs in the one set: 
Peace In The Valley / Someone Will / A Little Bit Of Everything.

Something tells me that the next time I see Dawes it will be in a much bigger venue so thanks for a superb gig lads and haste ye back!

Set List:

From A Window Seat
The Way You Laugh
Most People
Fire Away
Bear Witness
Western Skyline
From The Right Angle
Something In Common
When My Time Comes
Coming Back To A Man
Just Below The Surface
Peace In The Valley
Time Spent In LA
Someone Will
A Little Bit Of Everything


Hey Lover
If I Wanted Someone (on the set list but not played)

Check out Dawes here.....

Check out the photos I took on the night.....

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